
December 30, 2010


Our man Simon asked about other spy films that are currently streaming on Netflix. In addition to the two OSS 117 films, here is a brief list of titles that Spy Vibers will enjoy. There is a nice assortment of 60s spies and classic mystery/adventures. Note that some are only streaming until January 1st.

The Avengers '67 and '68 seasons
Casino Roayale (66)
Modesty Blaise
In Like Flint
Thunderbirds Are Go
Testament of Dr Mabuse
Dr Mabuse the Gambler
Fritz Lang's M
The Rat Patrol
The Third Man
Lady From Shanghai
The Big Sleep
Batman: The Movie
Billion Dollar Brain
The Ambushers
Murderers' Row
Three Days of the Condor
The Lady Vanishes
Marathon Man
The Pink Panther
A Shot in the Dark


  1. I hope you don't mind if I suggest a few others, maybe not as Spy Vibey as the excellent list above. Flame and Citron is a recent film, but set during World War II, and I highly recommend it. The Michael Caine / Brendan Fraser / Philip Noyce-directed version of The Quiet American is one of my top ten favorite espionage films.

    And the Greene-written classic Our Man in Havana is available streaming as well, though the LeCarre homage Tailor of Panama is only available with the disc option.

  2. Great! I was hoping folks had additions. I really loved The Quiet American when it came out, I'll have to re-explore it now. I linked to your top-5 set list today, by the way :)

    Has anyone found other streaming films to recommend?
