
January 27, 2011


The Criterion Collection released Eclipse Series 25:: Basil Dearden's London Underground this week, which includes some films that will appeal to Spy Vibers. The League of Gentlemen (1960) is a classic heist film in the spirit of Rififi and sports an all-star cast (and cool imagery-see below). Another film in the set is the rare All Night Long (1962), which stars Patrick McGoohan (Danger Man/Secret Agent, The Prisoner) as a Jazz drummer. Check out his chops below! The film also includes "jazz legends Dave Brubeck, Charles Mingus, Johnny Dankworth, and Tubby Hayes, whose many performances provide some stunning aural and visual interludes (Brubeck fans will swoon over close-ups of the pianist’s fingers tickling the ivories)." More info on the Criterion website here.