
June 1, 2012


Have you ever wanted to live in your own secret mountainside submarine hideout? Do you take interior design tips from Karl Stromberg, James Bond villain from The Spy Who Loved Me? If so, then this is the deal you have been praying for. The photos below are not set designs by Sir Ken Adam, but real estate shots from the nation of Norway, which has just listed one of their secret sub bases on the market!

Details from i09: "Norway is selling its NATO-funded secret submarine hideout, officially titled the Olavsvern Naval Base. Located off the Northern Coast, the whole unit (which includes a sub docking station, elaborate Austin Powers-like tunnel systems and office space) for only $17.5 million. The above ground property is a sprawling 38,000 square feet and houses office buildings, residential suites, a workshop and a warehouse. But the real meat is located inside the side of the mountain. The sub base houses a dry dock (so you can take in your subs) an emergency power system, the previously mentioned tunnels and fuel cells. The base was used during the Cold War by American submarines that were on assignment in the Arctic Ocean. But according to TV2 Olavsvern has been reduced to a supply base."

If you don't have your own submarine yet, I suggest picking up the amphibious super-spy car we listed a few weeks ago here. And here's a great idea from our Agent Marco: Spy Vibers from around the world combine forces in a Kickstarter campaign to buy the base. Once it is ours (Mwaahahaha) we manage the property as a timeshare. Imagine, your next vacation or evil villain conference can be held in NATO-modern luxury!

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