
February 18, 2013


Spy Vibe shared some excitement recently when we uncovered a rare newspaper serialization of Ian Fleming's On Her Majesty's Secret Service that appeared on eBay. Catch your breath, Spy Vibers, because only days later, another rare Ian Fleming item has gone up for auction. For Fleming collectors, there are many treasures to seek out: UK and US First Editions, softcover variants, periodical appearances, and Fleming's work as a journalist. Diving deeper into the publishing process, there are also Proof copies of his manuscripts. There were 596 Uncorrected Proof copies of The Man With the Golden Gun produced in 1964, and now one of them can be yours! This Uncorrected Proof edition does not include a dust jacket (only 578 jackets were printed). Although it has  signs of wear, such an unusual piece of Ian Fleming/James Bond history will surely command a premium selling price. Auction details, which mislabel the book as '1 of 100' printed, can be found here. Publishing details from Jon Gilbert's Ian Fleming: The Bibliography.

I have a spy novella coming out. Stay tuned and follow Spy Vibe by clicking the Follow link at top right of this page. Check Spy Vibe for recent posts about our discovery of a rare Ian Fleming serialization, my review of SKYFALL, the Les Vampires serial on Blu-ray, Lucy Fleming, The Beatles first record session, Ian Fleming's desert island interview, new Ian Fleming book designs, FantomasSpy SmasherBarbarella tv show, British spy comics, Piper Gates retro designs, Cinema Retro, and more

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