
February 16, 2013


See Skyfall once again on the Big Screen! Join fellow 007 fans for a special showing of Skyfall at the Castro Theater in San Francisco on Friday. Spy Vibers looking for the full experience of Daniel Craig's Bond can start with a Casino Royale/Quantum of Solace double-feature on Thursday. Skyfall has won many BAFTA awards (including Best British Film) and has been nominated for a number of Oscars. Why is it so good? Read Spy Vibe's updated review of Skyfall here.

I have a spy novella coming out. Stay tuned and follow Spy Vibe by clicking the Follow link at top right of this page. Check Spy Vibe for recent posts about our discovery of a rare Ian Fleming serialization, my review of SKYFALL, the Les Vampires serial on Blu-ray, Lucy Fleming, The Beatles first record session, Ian Fleming's desert island interview, new Ian Fleming book designs, FantomasSpy SmasherBarbarella tv show, British spy comics, Piper Gates retro designs, Cinema Retro, and more

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  1. Not my favorite Bond film of all-time, but still one of the better ones in recent time. I definitely look forward to seeing where they go with this franchise now. Good review Jason.

  2. thanks! yours, too. for me, those quiet moments worked to build character and theme, which in turn brought more tension and weight to the action.
