While browsing the tables at the San Francisco WonderCon and Alternative Press Expo (APE) this year, I was drawn like a magnet to the work of Kevin Dart, Chris Turnham and Ada Cole. Kevin and his partners have created a fantastic body of work in the style of retro movie posters and album covers. A new book, Seductive Espionage, features a Spy Vibe cool agent called Yuki 7. Fellow C.O.B.R.A.S. writer BISH posted a piece about Kevin's new book, as well as an incredibly cool little promotional animation, which I'd like to reprint here in case Spy Vibers missed it. Also head over to Kevin's website for great updates on his recent exhibition/book signing and new events. You can buy books, prints, and more at his shop here. You can see Turnham's page here. From BISH'S BEAT:

A Kiss From Tokyo, Theatrical Trailer (1964) - Yuki 7 dashes around the world in hot pursuit of the tantalizingly tricky Diamond Eye, who is stealing parts and plans and leaving behind a path of murdered scientists in her quest to build a missile inside her volcanic lair.
This animation is a part of a promotional event about the release of Kevin Dart's new book, Seductive Espionage, the world of Yuki 7, which will be published this summer.
Kevin produced the graphics and Stephane Coedel gave them life with After Effects.Coedel cleverly captures the typical vintage look of the spy movies of the period. Lighting, grain, old school Special Effects (car chase in a studio with background projected film, miniature sets), editing, old fashion transitions, Music, etc... Cyrille Marchesseau created a great piece of music inspired by Laurie Johnson (The Avengers) and John Barry (James Bond).