March 22, 2013


Journalist Justin Rowlatt has published an interesting story in BBC News Magazine about his grandfather's connection with Ian Fleming's commandos during WWII. Fleming organized the secret 30 Assault Unit to gather intelligence and to work with forward troops. "The family only discovered his involvement a couple of years ago, thanks to a coincidence. My cousin Alexander is an eye doctor at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London and the only one of the family to carry my mother's maiden name, Ionides. One day a patient asked him a startling question.

"Ionides is an unusual name," he said. "Was your grandfather called Theo?"
"Yes," replied Alexander.
"Did he fight in World War II?"
"Yes," he answered again.
Then came the real eye-opener.
"Did you know he was handpicked to be part of a top secret commando unit set up by Ian Fleming?"

Rowlatt was hurtled into a fascinating mission of research to learn more about Fleming's AU30, his grandfather's role in secret missions and in historic battles, and the reflections of surviving veterans who served with his grandfather. Read the full story here. AU30 photo above and secret memo below from Ian Fleming from BBC News Magazine. More about the 30AU here

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