Author Bruce Spizer has created the ultimate archive of reference books about The Beatles recording legacy. Each of his editions, painstakingly researched over years, are lavishly illustrated with color photographs and rare images. When editions from his library go out of print, they sell for upwards of $500. Spy Vibers interested in diving into Fab Four history should check out his books covering Parlophone, Apple, Capital, Vee-Jay, and Swan releases. Spizer is holding a holiday promotion on some of the few remaining editions he has in stock. Each book had a brief window on sale running up to the holidays, but now all are on sale. They're beautiful, don't miss them! Sale ends December 31st. Details at Bruce Spizer's website.
Also, be sure to check Spy Vibe's current auction for a hand-signed Sean Connery 007 display and other collectibles. Find out about Jason's experimental film for his winning re-mix for Yoko Ono at The Sun is Down website. The Beatles Swan Song is on sale for $22 (down from $50). Sale also includes free bookmarks and a poster-like end-sheet. "It is the first book to accurately tell the stories behind the Beatles discs released by Swan, United Artists, Decca, MGM, Atco and Polydor. It also has an extensive section on Capitol Records in the 70s & 80s, which details the Capitol theme albums such as Rock ’N’ Roll Music, Love Songs and Reel Music, as well as The Beatles At The Hollywood Bowl, Rarities and the unreleased Sessions LP. Additional sections cover dubious releases such as The Savage Young Beatles and the Star-Club album, the high-end Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab LPs and the record club albums."
The Beatles Are Coming is marked down to $15 (from $30). "The most thorough and accurate book ever published on how Beatlemania evolved in America, this book covers the Beatles first visit to the United States and the events leading up to their arrival on February 7, 1964. It details why Capitol Records turned the group down four times and tells the stories of two small record labels, Vee-Jay and Swan, who issued the group’s records without success in 1963."
Price Guide for The Beatles American Records is marked down to $22 (from $50). Slipcase edition is $45 (down from $75). "An exciting new publication with thousands of new listings. Unlike prior guides, all formats for a particular title will be listed together. Thus, the listings under Abbey Road will include vinyl records, 4-track tapes, 8-track tapes, cassettes and compact discs, all in one place. The book will also have color images throughout. Each page of listings will have color images of some of the items described on the page. Most pages have four images, with some having more. Another innovation is the adoption of the numbering system used in Bruce Spizer’s books. This will enable collectors to coordinate prices in the guide with images in Bruce Spizer’s books. The identification numbers assigned to items in this book are permanent and will not change in future editions. Each listing will have a checkbox so that collectors can mark the items in their collections."
The Beatles Solo on Apple is marked down to $22 (from $50) and includes rare bookmark. "And, if you still haven’t ordered The Beatles on Apple Records now would be a good time to do so as less than 40 copies remain available for sale. Sellers on the secondary market listed on Amazon are asking between $137.52 and $900.00 for a used copy! You can buy a new copy with a slightly nicked or dented cover from 498 Productions for the original sale price of $50. This followup to The Beatles on Apple Records chronicles the solo releases by John, Paul, George and Ringo issued from 1968-1975. At 310 pages with over 800 images, this book covers the Beatles solo releases on Apple, including Imagine, Band On The Run, All Things Must Pass and Ringo. The brilliance of John, Paul, George and Ringo didn’t die in early 1970 when the Beatles officially broke up, and this book highlights their later, often forgotten work."