The Independent hails the return of what Spy Vibe defines as "well dressed adventure." After many years of casual-Joe action at the box office with Stallone and Willis, the UK paper notes that filmmakers are turning back toward a fashionable trend. Cinema Retro's Lee Pfeiffer writes in his announcement of the article that "James Bond was seemingly the only action hero to steadfastly fight a never ending battle for the preservation of elegance and fashion. Yet, even he was compromised. Most of the recent Bond ad campaigns, especially in America, have eradicated the trademark tuxedo from the ad campaigns. Nevertheless, The Independent feels that a plethora of elegantly-dressed men of action points to the fact that the pendulum has swung back and style and sophistication are once again returning to the silver screen." Read more at The Independenthere.
While we have Lee on our radar, I urge all Spy Vibers to subscribe to Cinema Retro, the best print magazine available that covers entertainment from the 1960s and 1970s. The current 3-issue subscription includes upcoming articles about The Ipcress File! Brick and mortar shops like Borders are sadly closing, so make sure you don't miss out on future issues. Subscription info here.