Today on Macabre Mystery Week we have a pair of special Halloween clips. Robert Wiene's Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) is perhaps the most iconic film of the German Expressionist period in Cinema. A tale of a mad doctor and his somnambulist assassin, Cesare, the film makes use of angular, crude set designs that twist and turn into dark corners like the minds of its characters. One of the all-time horror classics and a special take on the term "sleeper agent!" Cesare was played by Conrad Veidt, an actor Spy Vibers may recognize from Casablanca (1942), The Man Who Laughs (1928), and the Michael Powell spy yarn, Blackout (Contraband/1940). Rocker/writer/artist, Rob Zombie, paid homage to Caligari in his 1999 video for Living Dead Girl (soundtrack/The Matrix). If you listen closely to the lyrics, Spy Vibers will also catch a reference to the Spy Vibe fave Dr. Goldfoot films.