Michigan artist Thomas Allen has been doing really interesting work with book sculpture and paper cut-outs. Spy Vibers may have seen his images on the covers of best-selling novels and in the pages of national magazines. Allen published a collection of Pulp Fiction pieces called Uncovered back in 2007, which was designed by Chip Kidd as a board book for Aperture. Chip Kidd: "He photographs books, but does so in a way that’s
never been done before- by selectively cutting out the figures on their covers
and interior pages with surgical precision and setting them up in compositions,
bringing them into the third dimension. It’s as if the characters have suddenly
woken up, that what’s happening to them is so intense and vivid it can’t be

Thomas Allen, who just turned 50, is currently working on a new project around old family photographs. The photographer has kept up an interesting blog over the years, where he shares his process and news of his many publications. There is even a cool a segment about a workshop he led on how to make and photograph book sculptures. The Pulp Fiction material from 2007-2009 will be of most interest to Spy Vibers, but I suggest you spend some time looking through his posts. You will find a treasure trove of ingenious creations that will pull you into many different literary worlds. Highly recommended!

Ian Fleming on Spy Vibe: recent posts include Ian Fleming Music Series links: Noel Coward,Whispering Jack Smith, Hawaiian Guitar, Joe Fingers Carr, discovery of one of Ian Fleming's WWII Commandos, James Bond book covers, Ian Fleming's Playboy interview for Kindle, Spy Vibe's discovery of a rare Ian Fleming serialization, Fleming's Royal gold typewriter, Ian Fleming's memorial address, and our Ian Fleming image archive link here.
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