Exploring the world of 1960s style-in-action is an ongoing adventure here at Spy Vibe. We have our eyes fixed to the radar screen, where we follow curiosity and make connections between the Arts and cultural history of the Cold War and beyond. It’s exciting when there are new releases to celebrate with our Spy Vibe community. Many essential books and movies have been released since late 2009. We saw the release of The Prisoner on Blu-ray, Seductive Espionage by Kevin Dart, and Free Agent by Jeremy Duns. Hermes Press began a great campaign to reprint classic adventure comics and Titan continues to print books about 007 films and comics. We also saw the recent release of Ian Fleming's Blofeld trilogy and volumes of Bond novels by Raymond Benson! And like any on-going process of research and celebration, it’s been an exciting time to discover old material that had not been on our radar before. It's a great period to be looking at stylish spies, classic mystery/adventure, modernist architects, and futuristic designers! Here are some treasures that caught our imagination at Spy Vibe in 2010:

New Releases: 10 Films
Inception (Blu-ray/2010)
Fantomas (DVD/2010)
Metropolis (Blu-ray/2010)
Visual Acoustics (DVD/2010)
Charade (Blu-ray/2010)
Play Time (Blu-ray/2010)
The Bionic Woman: Season 1 (DVD/2010)
Fritz Lang’s M (Blu-ray/2010)
Minority Report (Blu-ray/2010)
Secret Agent/Danger Man: Complete Collection (DVD/2010)
New Releases: 10 Books
50 Years of the Playboy Bunny (Chronicle/2010)
Filmed in Supermarionation (Hermes/2010)
The Avengers: a Celebration (Titan/2010)
Sharp Suits (Pavilion/2010)
Hitchcock Piece by Piece (Abrams/2010)
The Moment of Psycho (Basic Books/2010)
Federico Fellini (Rizzoli/2010)
Astrid Kirchherr Retrospective (Liverpool U Press/2010)
Knoll: A Modernist Universe (Rizzoli/2010)
We Want Miles: Miles Davis VS. Jazz (Rizzoli/2010)

New Discoveries: 8 Books
Fantomas (Kindle edition/1911)
The Strange Case of Dr. Mabuse (McFarland/2005)
Swinging Sixties (V&A/2006)
The Sharper Word: A Mod Anthology (Helter Skelter/2009)
Eliot Noyes (Phaidon/2007)
Calder (Taschen/2002)
The Rudi Gernreich Book (Taschen/1999)
Saarinen’s Quest (William Stout/2008)